Uses of XMLUtilException in net.wangs.xmlutil |
Methods in net.wangs.xmlutil that throw XMLUtilException | |
static boolean |
XMLValidator.validate(java.lang.String fileName)
Validates XML file using either DOMBuilder or SAXParser, based on property "USE_DOMBUILDER". |
java.util.Vector |
XMLUtil.getNodes(java.lang.String nodeName)
Return all nodes for given node name with path. |
java.util.Vector |
XMLUtil.getNodeValues(java.lang.String nodeName)
Return all node values for given node name with path. |
java.util.Hashtable |
XMLUtil.getNodeValuesAsHashtable(java.lang.String nodeName)
Return all node values in a Hashtable for given node name with path. |
org.w3c.dom.Node |
XMLUtil.getNode(java.lang.String nodeName,
int index)
Return node for given node name and index |
java.util.Vector |
XMLUtil.getNodesByAttrValue(java.lang.String nodeName,
java.lang.String attrName,
java.lang.String attrValue)
Return Vector of nodes for given node name and one given attribute values More complicated case is to give a hashtable of attribute name-value pairs, but we are not going to provide this since it's rarely used. |
org.w3c.dom.Node |
XMLUtil.getNodeByAttrValue(java.lang.String nodeName,
java.lang.String attrName,
java.lang.String attrValue)
Return node for given node name and one given attribute values If there are multiple nodes satisfied this condition, the first one is returned. |
java.lang.String |
XMLUtil.getNodeValueByAttrValue(java.lang.String nodeName,
java.lang.String attrName,
java.lang.String attrValue)
Return Vector of nodes for given node name and one given attribute values A common usage of this method is: to obtain a subset of nodes from a set of sibling nodes. |
java.lang.String |
XMLUtil.getNodeValue(java.lang.String nodeName,
int index)
For a known node, get its value. |
int |
XMLUtil.getNodeCount(java.lang.String nodeName)
Given a node name (with path), returns number of nodes with the same name under the same path. |
java.util.Hashtable |
XMLUtil.getAttrValues(java.lang.String nodeName,
int index)
Given a node name (with path), returns all attributes of this node with name-value pairs. |
java.lang.String |
XMLUtil.getNamedAttrValue(java.lang.String nodeName,
java.lang.String attrName,
int index)
Given a node name (with path) and atrribute name, returns attribute value. |
MultiKeyHashtable |
XMLUtil.getNodesHashedByNamedAttrs(java.lang.String nodeName,
java.lang.String[] attrNames)
Given a node name (with path) and attributes array, returns MultiKeyHashtable of all nodes with the same name in the same path. |
MultiKeyHashtable |
XMLUtil.getNodeValuesHashedByNamedAttrs(java.lang.String nodeName,
java.lang.String[] attrNames)
Given a node name (with path) and attributes array, returns all node values with the same name in the same path. |
java.util.Hashtable |
XMLUtil.getNodesHashedByNamedAttr(java.lang.String nodeName,
java.lang.String attrName)
Given a node name (with path) and one attribute, returns Hashtable of all nodes with the same name in the same path. |
java.util.Hashtable |
XMLUtil.getNodeValuesHashedByNamedAttr(java.lang.String nodeName,
java.lang.String attrName)
Given a node name (with path) and one attribute, returns Hashtable of all nodes with the same name in the same path. |
java.util.Hashtable |
XMLUtil.getAttrValuesHashedByNamedAttr(java.lang.String nodeName,
java.lang.String val_attrName,
java.lang.String key_attrName)
Given node name (with path) and two attribute's names, returns a Hashtable with key is one attribute's value and value is another attribute's value. |
MultiKeyHashtable |
XMLUtil.getAttrValuesHashedByNamedAttrs(java.lang.String nodeName,
java.lang.String val_attrName,
java.lang.String[] key_attrName)
Given node name (with path), an attribute name and an array of attribute names, returns a MultiKeyHashtable with keys from two or more attributes and value from another attribute. |
java.util.Hashtable |
XMLUtil.getChildNodeHashValues(java.lang.String nodeName)
Given a node name, return all child nodes' name-value pairs into a hashtable. |
Constructors in net.wangs.xmlutil that throw XMLUtilException | |
XMLUtil(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
Constructor: constructing internal element from Node object. |
XMLUtil(java.lang.String fileName)
Constructor: constructing internal element from XML file |