View Javadoc
1   /* 
2   * This program is licensed under Common Public License Version 0.5.
3   *
4   * For License Information and conditions of use, see "LICENSE" in packaged
5   * 
6   * Change History (based on CVS versions):
7   * 
8   * Version:      Date:       Author:         Description:
9   * 1.1  			2002/09/25	yuqing_wang		Initial revision
10  * 1.2			2002/12/19	ckoelle			Added keySet() method for compatibility with Hashtable
11  * 1.3			2002/12/21	ckoelle			Added putAll() method because it is needed for JTestCase         
12  */
14  package net.wangs.xmlutil;
16  import java.util.Enumeration;
17  import java.util.HashSet;
18  import java.util.Hashtable;
19  import java.util.Iterator;
20  import java.util.Set;
21  import java.util.Vector;
23  /***
24  * This hashtable stores values using string array.
25  * @author <a href="">Yuqing Wang</a>
26  * @author <a href="">Christian Kölle</a>
27  */
28  public class MultiKeyHashtable {
29      /***
30      *  This method retrieves the value at String array keys.
31      *  @param keys - String array, must not be null
32      *  @exception NullPointerException thrown if keys are null
33      *  @return Object the value or null if not found
34      */
35      public Object get( String[] keys ) {
36          if( keys == null ) {
37              throw new NullPointerException("null keys");
38          }
40          if (keys.length == 0) {
41              throw new NullPointerException("no element in keys");
42          }
44          // System.out.println("-----get Key string: " + _composeHashKey(keys));
45          return _map.get( _composeHashKey(keys) );
46      }
48      /***
49      *  This method stores the value at String array keys.
50      *  @param keys - must not be null
51      *  @param value
52      *  @exception NullPointerException thrown if key1 or key2 are null
53      */
54      public void put( String[] keys, Object value ) {
55          if( keys == null ) {
56              throw new NullPointerException("null keys");
57          }
59          if (keys.length == 0) {
60              throw new NullPointerException("no element in keys");
61          }
63          // System.out.println("-----Put Key string: " + _composeHashKey(keys));
64          _map.put(_composeHashKey(keys), value );
65      }
67      /***
68       * Copies all of the mappings from the specified MultiKeyHashtable to 
69       * this MultiKeyHashtable. 
70       * These mappings will replace any mappings that this MultiKeyHashtable had 
71       * for any of the keys currently in the specified MultiKeyHashtable. 
72       * @param pHash The MultiKeyHashtable to be copied.
73       */
74      public void putAll(MultiKeyHashtable pHash) {
75          Iterator keyIter = pHash.keySet().iterator();
76          while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
77              String[] keys = (String[]);
78              this.put(keys, pHash.get(keys));
79          }
80      }
83      /***
84      * Reset contents. Equals to Map::clear().
85      */
86      public void reset() {
87              _map.clear();
88      }
90      /***
91       * Returns an enumeration with the keys.
92       * @return The keys in an Enumeration
93       */
94      public Set keySet() {
95          HashSet keys = new HashSet();
96          for (Enumeration e = _map.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
97              keys.add(_decomposeHashKey((String)e.nextElement()));
98              System.out.println();
99          }
100         return keys;
101     }
103     /***
104     * Given a String array, compose a String value that follows the style of hashkey used in
105     * getNodeValuesHashedByNamedAttrs().
106     */
107     protected String _composeHashKey(String[] keys) {
108          String key = "";
110          for (int i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
111              key += _hashToken + keys[i];
112          }
114          return key;
115     }
117     /***
118      * Given a String, create a string array with the keys as elements
119      */
120      protected String[] _decomposeHashKey(String keys) {
121          if (keys != null && keys.length()>0) {
122              keys = keys.substring(3);
123              Vector keyEnum = new Vector();
124              boolean moreKeys = true;
125              int i = 0;
126              int end = 0;
127              while (moreKeys) {
128                  if (keys.indexOf(_hashToken) > 0) {
129                      end = keys.indexOf(_hashToken);
130                      keyEnum.add(i, keys.substring(0, end));
131                      keys = keys.substring(end + 3);
132                      i++;
133                  } else {
134                      keyEnum.add(i, keys);
135                      moreKeys = false;
136                  }
137              }
138              String[] allKeys = new String[keyEnum.size()];
139              for (int j = 0; j < keyEnum.size(); j++) {
140                  allKeys[j] = (String) keyEnum.get(j);
141              }
142              return allKeys;
143          }
144          return null;
145      }
147     protected static final String _hashToken = "[&]";
148     protected final Hashtable _map = new Hashtable();
149 }